(Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1772-1801)

Lied aus Heinrich von Ofterdingen  - Song from Henry of Ofterdingen

Wenn nicht mehr Zahlen...

Wenn nicht mehr Zahlen und Figuren

Sind Schlüssel aller Kreaturen,

Wenn die, so singen oder küssen,

Mehr als die Tiefgelehrten wissen,

Wenn sich die Welt in's freie Leben,

Und in die Welt wird zurück begeben,

Wenn dann sich wieder Licht und Schatten

Zu ächter Klarheit werden gatten,

Und man in Märchen und Gedichten

Erkennt die ewgen Weltgeschichten,

Dann fliegt vor Einem geheimen Wort

Das ganze verkehrte Wesen fort.

When marks and figures...

When marks and figures cease to be

For every creature's thoughts the key,

When they will even kiss or sing

Beyond the sage's reckoning,

When life, to Freedom will attain,

And Freedom in creation reign,

When Light and Shade, no longer single,

In genuine splendor intermingle,

And one in tales and poems sees

The world's eternal histories,--

Then will our whole inverted being

Before a secret word be fleeing.

Henry of Ofterdingen

Part First - The expectation (excerpt)

The parents had already retired to rest; the old clock ticked monotonously from the wall; the windows rattled with the whistling wind, and the chamber was dimly lighted by the flickering glimmer of the moon. The young man lay restless on his bed, thinking of the stranger and his tales.

"It is not the treasures," said he to himself, "that have awakened in me such unutterable longings. Far from me is all avarice; but I long to behold the blue flower. It is constantly in my mind, and I can think and compose of nothing else. I have never been in such a mood.
It seems as if I had hitherto been dreaming, or slumbering into another world; for in the world, in which hitherto I have lived, who would trouble himself about a flower? -- I never
have heard of such a strange passion for a flower here.

I wonder, too, whence the stranger comes? None of our people have ever seen his like; still
I know not why I should be so fascinated by his conversation. Others have listened to it, but none are moved by it as I am. Would that I could explain my feelings in words! I am often full of rapture, and it is only when the blue flower is out of my mind, that this deep, heart-felt longing overwhelms me. But no one can comprehend this but myself. I might think myself mad, were not my perception and reasonings so clear; and this state of mind appears to
have brought with it superior knowledge on all subjects.

I have heard, that in ancient times beasts, and trees, and rocks conversed with men. As I
gaze upon them, they appear every moment about to speak to me; and I can almost tell by their looks what they would say. There must yet be many words unknown to me. If I knew more, I could comprehend better. Formerly I loved to dance, now I think rather to the music."

The young man gradually lost himself in his sweet fancies, and feel asleep. Then he dreamed of regions far distant, and unknown to him. He crossed the sea with wonderful ease; saw many strange monsters; lived with all sorts of men, now in war, now in wild tumult, and now in peaceful cottages. Then he fell into captivity and degrading want. His feelings had never been so excited. His life was an unending tissue, of the brightest colors. Then came death, a return again to life; he loved, loved intensely, and was separated from the object of his passion.

At length towards the break of day his soul became calmer, and the images his fancy formed grew clearer, and more lasting. He dreamed that he was walking alone in a dark forest, where the light broke only at intervals through the green network of the trees. He soon came to a passage through some rocks, which led to the top of a neighboring hill, and, to ascend which he was obliged to scramble over the mossy stones, which some stream in
former times had torn down. The higher he climbed, the more was the forest lit up, until at last he came to a small meadow situated on the declivity of the mountain. Behind the meadow rose a lofty cliff, at whose foot an opening was visible, which seemed to be the beginning of a path hewn in the rock.

The path guided him gently along, and ended in a wide expanse, from which at a distance
a clear light shone towards him. On entering this expanse, he beheld a mighty beam of light, which, like the stream from a fountain, rose to the overhanging clouds, and spread out into
innumerable sparks, which gathered themselves below into a great basin. The beam shone
like burnished gold; not the least noise was audible; a holy silence reigned around the splendid spectacle. He approached the basin, which trembled and undulated with ever-varying colors. The sides of the cave were coated with the golden liquid, which was cool to the touch, and which cast from the walls a weak, blue light.

He dipped his hand in the basin, and bedewed his lips. He felt as if a spiritual breath had pierced through him, and he was sensibly strengthened and refreshed. A resistless desire to bathe himself made him undress and step into the basin. Then a cloud tinged with the glow of evening appeared to surround him; feelings as from Heaven flowed into his soul; thoughts innumerable and full of rapture strove to mingle together within him; new imaginings, such as never before had struck his fancy, arose before him, which, flowing into each other, became visible beings about him. Each wave of the lovely element pressed to him like a soft bosom. The flood seemed like a solution of the elements of beauty, which constantly became embodied in the forms of charming maidens around him. Intoxicated with rapture, yet conscious of every impression, he swam gently down the glittering stream. A sweeter slumber now overcame him. He dreamed of many strange events, and a new vision appeared to him.

He dreamed that he was sitting on the soft turf by the margin of a fountain, whose waters
flowed into the air, and seemed to vanish in it. Dark blue rocks with various colored veins
rose in the distance. The daylight around him was milder and clearer than usual; the sky was of a sombre blue, and free from clouds. But what most attracted his notice, was a tall, light-blue flower, which stood nearest the fountain, and touched it with its broad, glossy leaves. Around it grew numberless flowers of varied hue, filling the air with the richest perfume.
But he saw the blue flower alone, and gazed long upon it with inexpressible tenderness.
He at length was about to approach it, when it began to move, and change its form. The leaves increased their beauty, adorning the growing stem. The flower bended towards him, and revealed among its leaves a blue, outspread collar, within which hovered a tender face.

His delightful astonishment was increasing with this singular change, when suddenly
his mother's voice awoke him, and he found himself in his parents' room, already gilded by the morning sun. He was too happy to be angry at the sudden disturbance of his sleep.
He bade his mother a kind good morning, and returned her hearty embrace.

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